cancer survivorship coaching

Cancer Survivorship Coaching

Life after cancer can be filled with uncertainty, fear, and overwhelm. One of the most challenging areas of life to address is self-image.

With cancer survivorship coaching program clients are guided through setting goals and identifying individualized action steps for improvement, such as boosting their energy, easing their anxiety, improving their appearance, and celebrating their accomplishments. We also help patients and caregivers develop coping skills for various issues, from dealing with stressors to the lack of social support.

How It Works?

Cancerosion offers a 12-week coaching program that addresses a wide range of issues, including those experienced by most cancer patients and caregivers. During those 12 sessions, we address topics listed below. Our session content is flexible and can be tailored to meet the requirements of each individual client.

To reinforce what was covered in each session, we give patients and caregivers homework that involves incorporating their new knowledge into their daily lives. Getting this done is critical if we want to finish the 12th session and achieve our primary goal.

Session 1 - 4
Wellness in All Aspects: Body, Mind, and Soul
Wellness in all aspects of life is a journey, and requires balance to move forward. Our physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual connection form the three essential pieces for an optimal state of well-being. Wellness encompasses all these elements and demands attention to each one if we are to reach our full potential. We can’t expect to be in a good place if just one part of us is missing or neglected. It’s essential that we view our wellness as an interconnected system; nourishing each piece equally will lead us closer to achieving a balance between body, mind, and soul. In our sessions, we will explore how setting aside time daily to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually helps ensure that you stay healthy after cancer treatment.
Session 1 - 4
Session 5 - 6
What we eat affects our physical and mental health, energy levels, immunity, quality of sleep, and even our moods. Eating a balanced diet – one that provides adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and vitamins – is critical to maintaining good health during cancer treatment. During our sessions, we will focus on your available choices and improve your mindful eating habits.
Session 5 - 6
Session 7 - 8
Life Purpose
Life Purpose is a concept that has been discussed for centuries. It is the idea that each person has a unique destiny to fulfill, and that their actions should be based on this purpose in order to live a fulfilling life. This can become especially important during times of adversity, such as when someone is going through cancer treatment. In our sessions, we will explore how having an understanding of your life purpose can help you maintain relationships with loved ones , and ultimately lead to a greater sense of satisfaction and wellbeing after your cancer treatment is done. We'll look at how knowing your life purpose can help you stay connected to family and friends during difficult times, as well as provide guidance in making decisions about your healthcare journey.
Session 7 - 8
Session 9 - 10
Mindfulness for cancer survivors is an important part of recovery during and after treatment. Developing a mindful approach to life can help cancer survivors to manage their emotions, cope with physical pain and discomfort, and create a more positive outlook on the future. Mindfulness encourages reflection through meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises that can be used as tools to reduce stress levels. For many cancer survivors, the experience of illness can bring about feelings of despair or helplessness. In our sessions, we will discover how practicing mindfulness techniques can provide you with greater mental clarity and peace during this difficult time. Through mindfulness practices such as guided imagery, journaling, and self-reflection activities, you will be able to gain insight into your inner strength while developing healthier coping mechanisms that will aid in your healing process.
Session 9 - 10
Session 11 - 12
Adjusting to New Normal
After cancer treatment, it can be difficult to adjust back to the “new normal” of life. Having gone through significant physical and emotional turmoil during treatment, many cancer survivors feel disoriented and overwhelmed by the process of returning to their prior lives. It can be a challenge to return to the workplace following a long period of cancer treatment, but many individuals find that returning to their job brings them back into an environment that provides purpose and structure in life. Taking on the responsibility of working again can also bring about feelings of accomplishment and self-confidence. We will explore your available options to make this transition as smooth as possible.
Session 11 - 12

Empower Your Journey With These Life-Changing Benefits of Cancer Survivorship Coaching

Cancer survivorship coaching offers several benefits to individuals who have completed their cancer treatment and are transitioning into the survivorship phase. Here are some key benefits of cancer survivorship coaching:

1. Emotional support and empowerment 

Cancer survivorship coaching provides individuals with emotional support as they navigate the emotional challenges that can arise after completing cancer treatment. Coaches offer a safe and non-judgmental space for clients to express their feelings, fears, and concerns related to survivorship. They help individuals process their experiences, build resilience, and empower them to reclaim their lives after cancer.

2. Lifestyle adjustment and well-being

Cancer survivorship coaching focuses on helping individuals make lifestyle adjustments to optimize their overall well-being as survivors. Coaches assist clients in adopting healthier habits, such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, and self-care practices. This holistic approach promotes physical and emotional wellness and supports individuals in creating a post-cancer lifestyle that enhances their quality of life.

3. Goal setting and future planning 

Cancer survivorship coaching helps individuals set meaningful goals and plan for their future. Coaches work with clients to identify their aspirations, interests, and priorities, supporting them in creating a vision for their post-cancer life. They assist in setting achievable goals and developing action plans to make progress towards those goals, helping survivors regain a sense of purpose and direction.

4. Managing long-term effects and survivorship issues

Cancer survivorship coaching addresses the long-term effects and survivorship issues that individuals may face after completing cancer treatment. Coaches provide education and strategies for managing physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that may persist post-treatment. They offer support and resources to navigate survivorship issues such as fear of recurrence, body image concerns, relationship changes, and career transitions.

5. Enhancing communication and advocacy skills

Cancer survivorship coaching helps individuals develop effective communication and advocacy skills to navigate the healthcare system and communicate their needs with healthcare providers. Coaches empower survivors to actively participate in their follow-up care, ask questions, seek clarification, and advocate for their ongoing well-being. This improves the survivor’s ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with their healthcare team.

6. Support for post-treatment adjustments 

Cancer survivorship coaching assists individuals in adjusting to life after treatment. Coaches help survivors navigate the challenges of transitioning from the structured treatment phase to the less structured survivorship phase. They provide guidance and strategies for managing the emotional, physical, and practical adjustments that can occur during this time, promoting a smoother transition and a sense of normalcy.

7. Peer connection and community engagement 

Cancer survivorship coaching can facilitate connections with other survivors and support groups. Coaches may provide referrals or resources for survivors to engage with community organizations or support networks. Peer connection and community engagement can provide a sense of belonging, shared experiences, and mutual support during the survivorship journey.

Overall, cancer survivorship coaching supports individuals in embracing life after cancer. It helps survivors address emotional and practical challenges, make positive lifestyle adjustments, set goals for the future, and navigate the complexities of survivorship. By providing ongoing support, education, and empowerment, survivorship coaching aims to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life for cancer survivors.

Coaching vs Therapy

Therapy and coaching are distinct forms of support that serve different purposes and target different areas of personal or professional development. Here are the key differences between therapy and coaching:

1. Focus and Purpose:

  • Therapy: Therapy, also known as counseling or psychotherapy, focuses on addressing and resolving psychological, emotional, and mental health concerns. It aims to help individuals understand and heal from past trauma, manage mental health conditions, improve emotional well-being, and promote personal growth. Therapy delves into deep-rooted issues, explores the impact of past experiences, and may involve diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.
  • Coaching: Coaching focuses on helping individuals clarify goals, develop strategies, and achieve specific outcomes in their personal or professional lives. It is future-oriented and aims to enhance performance, maximize potential, and facilitate personal growth. Coaching addresses challenges, builds skills, and empowers individuals to take action steps towards their desired outcomes. Coaching does not diagnose or treat mental health conditions.

2. Professional Background and Training:

  • Therapy: Therapists, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, or licensed counselors, have formal education and specialized training in mental health, human behavior, and therapeutic techniques. They are equipped with knowledge and skills to assess, diagnose, and provide treatment for mental health conditions. Therapists adhere to specific ethical guidelines and professional regulations.
  • Coaching: Coaches come from diverse professional backgrounds and may have training and certifications in coaching methodologies. While some coaches may have backgrounds in psychology or counseling, coaching primarily focuses on personal development, goal setting, and performance enhancement. Coaches are not typically trained or authorized to provide clinical therapy or diagnose mental health conditions.

3. Approach and Process:

  • Therapy: Therapy sessions often explore individuals’ past experiences, emotions, and thought patterns to gain insight into underlying issues. Therapists use various therapeutic techniques and interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, or mindfulness-based approaches, to promote healing, growth, and well-being. Therapy sessions are typically structured, and progress is assessed over time.
  • Coaching: Coaching sessions focus on the coachee’s present and future goals. Coaches use powerful questioning, active listening, and goal-setting techniques to help individuals gain clarity, identify obstacles, and develop action plans. Coaching sessions are action-oriented, focusing on accountability, skill-building, and forward progress. Coaches often work with clients for a specific duration or until the desired outcomes are achieved.

4. Client Needs and Context:

  • Therapy: Therapy is well-suited for individuals experiencing emotional distress, mental health disorders, trauma, or significant life challenges. It provides a supportive space to explore deep-seated issues, process emotions, and heal psychological wounds. Therapy is often conducted on a one-on-one basis, but it can also involve group therapy or family therapy, depending on the specific needs of the client.
  • Coaching: Coaching is beneficial for individuals who are generally psychologically healthy and seeking personal or professional development. It is commonly used in areas such as career transitions, leadership development, life balance, goal achievement, and skill enhancement. Coaching can be conducted on an individual basis or in a group or team setting, depending on the client’s preferences and goals.

It’s important to note that therapy and coaching can complement each other, and individuals may choose to engage in both based on their specific needs. Some therapists incorporate coaching techniques to help clients set and achieve goals, while some coaches may address mindset and emotional well-being within their coaching process. It’s crucial for individuals to assess their needs, goals, and the appropriate professional support required to address their specific circumstances.

Appropriate Choice for Cancer Patients

Cancer patients may consider therapy or coaching based on their specific needs, goals, and circumstances. Here are some considerations for choosing between therapy and coaching:

Therapy may be beneficial for cancer patients in the following situations:

  1. Emotional distress: If a cancer patient is experiencing significant emotional distress, such as depression, anxiety, grief, or trauma related to their diagnosis, treatment, or prognosis, therapy can provide a supportive and healing space. Therapists are trained to help individuals process and cope with difficult emotions, develop healthy coping strategies, and address underlying psychological concerns.
  2. Mental health conditions: If a cancer patient has pre-existing or newly diagnosed mental health conditions, such as clinical depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), therapy can offer professional support for diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing management. Therapists can provide evidence-based interventions and work collaboratively with other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care.
  3. Relationship issues: If a cancer patient is facing challenges in their relationships, whether with family members, partners, or caregivers, therapy can help navigate communication difficulties, provide tools for managing conflicts, and support the emotional well-being of all individuals involved.
  4. Processing trauma or loss: If a cancer patient has experienced significant trauma related to their diagnosis, treatment, or loss of loved ones to cancer, therapy can assist in processing these experiences, working through grief, and finding meaning or a sense of closure.

Coaching may be beneficial for cancer patients in the following situations:

  1. Goal setting and action planning: If a cancer patient is looking to set goals, make lifestyle changes, or develop strategies for managing their cancer journey more effectively, coaching can provide guidance, support, and accountability. Coaches can help patients clarify their priorities, create action plans, and navigate the challenges they encounter.
  2. Personal empowerment and self-care: If a cancer patient wants to enhance their self-care practices, improve their well-being, and cultivate a positive mindset during their cancer journey, coaching can offer tools and strategies for self-empowerment. Coaches can help patients build resilience, manage stress, and optimize their physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
  3. Life transitions and future planning: If a cancer patient is navigating significant life transitions, such as returning to work, making career changes, or redefining personal goals and aspirations post-treatment, coaching can provide support in exploring options, making informed decisions, and taking steps towards a fulfilling life beyond cancer.
  4. Advocacy and self-advocacy: If a cancer patient wants to become more involved in cancer advocacy efforts, raise awareness, or become an empowered self-advocate in their own healthcare journey, coaching can offer guidance, skills, and strategies for effective advocacy.

It’s important to note that therapy and coaching are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may benefit from both forms of support at different times during their cancer journey. It’s essential to consult with healthcare professionals, consider individual needs and preferences, and select the appropriate support system based on the specific circumstances and goals of the cancer patient.

How Does Cancerosion Help You?

Cancerosion is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and empowerment to cancer patients throughout their journey. We understand the unique challenges and emotional turmoil that accompany a cancer diagnosis, and our aim is to be a guiding light in their path towards healing and well-being. 

Through our evidence-based coaching services, we work closely with cancer patients, helping them navigate the physical, emotional, and practical aspects of their cancer experience. We provide personalized guidance, emotional support, and practical strategies to help patients cope with the challenges they face. We equip them with valuable tools to make informed decisions about their treatment options, manage side effects, enhance their quality of life, and foster resilience. 

At Cancerosion, we believe in empowering patients to take an active role in their health, fostering a sense of control and hope in their cancer journey. By providing a safe and supportive space, we help them transform fear into courage, worry into hope, and pain into healing. 

Our ultimate goal is to inspire and empower cancer patients to live their lives to the fullest, even in the face of adversity.

How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

It all starts with a single first step.
The path to success is long and paved with hard work and commitment. 
By partnering with usyou may expect positive return on your investment

Ready to start?

Let's start constructing your future by figuring out what you want out of life and what options are available to YOU.

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Make a decision
Make the first move and get ready for the better things to come into your life.
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a free 20-minute discovery call with us to learn more about our services and determine if they are a good fit for you.
Show Commitment
We'll talk via a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform about how far you've come toward your goals and what steps are needed to get you where you want to be.
Transformation Completed
We'll all take a moment to reflect on your achievements and progress as a result of our coaching sessions.
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